
當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè)攻略秘籍單機(jī)攻略 → 世界轉(zhuǎn)變?nèi)齻(gè)種族天賦全介紹


作者:佚名來(lái)源:本站整理 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2011/5/5 8:56:16 評(píng)論(0)



  All your regular units will have 5%/10% more hit points.

  您的所有單位將增加5 % / 10 %命中率。


  All your cybernetic units will auto-faster by 10%/20% without recovery time and will also do 10%/20% additional direct damage.

  您所有的cybernetic單位將自動(dòng)更快的10 % / 20 %沒(méi)有復(fù)蘇的時(shí)間也將做10 % / 20 %的額外的直接損失。


  Your Rippers will have 20% chance to completely ignore direct ranged attacks coming from within melee range.

  您的Rippers將有20 %的機(jī)會(huì),完全無(wú)視直接不等的攻擊來(lái)自?xún)?nèi)部的混戰(zhàn)范圍。

  粉碎火力[Crushing Fire]

  All your units will have an additonal 2%/5%/10% chance to deliver a critical hit,inflicting double damage.

  您的所有單位,將有額外的2 % / 5 % / 10 %的幾率,打出一次致命攻擊,造成雙重傷害。


  Troopers will have 10%/25% chance to become Elite after performing a critical attack on their target.

  部隊(duì)暴擊后將有10 % / 25 %的幾率成為精英。


  All your Troopers will do 1/2 additional points of direct damage.

  您的所有部隊(duì)將額外增加1 / 2點(diǎn)的直接傷害。

  熟練急救[First Aid Mastery]

  The Surgeon's First Aid will have an additional 10%/20%/30% chance to heal for twice the usual amount.

  外科醫(yī)生的急救,將有額外10 % / 20 % / 30 %的幾率,進(jìn)行二次治療。

  無(wú)堅(jiān)盔甲[Barrier Armor]

  The Lord Commander will have 25% additional armor and hit points.

  主指揮官將有25 %的額外裝甲和命中率。


  All your officers will have 5%/10%/25% more hit points.

  您的所有人員將增加5 % / 10 % / 25 % 命中率。

  能量激增[Power Surge]

  Your Lord Commander and all your officers will restore their power faster by 30%.

  您的主指揮官和您的所有人員恢復(fù)能量速度加快30 % 。


  閃電聚焦[Thunder Focus]

  Your High Priest's Lightning action will do 20%/50% more damage.

  您的高階神父閃電攻擊增加20 % / 50 %額外破壞。

  凍結(jié)掌握[Freeze Mastery]

  Your High Priest's Freeze action will hold for 1/2 additional seconds.


  武器訓(xùn)練[Weapons Training]

  Your Warriors will have an additional 5%/10%/20% chance to deliver a critical hit,inflicting double damage.

  您的勇士將有額外的5 % / 10 % / 20 %的機(jī)會(huì),打出一次致命攻擊,造成雙重傷害。

  能量掌握[Power Mastery]

  Your High Priest and all your Elders will regenerate their power faster by 10%/30%.

  您的高階神父和所有長(zhǎng)老恢復(fù)能量速度加快10 % / 30 %。

  黑暗約束[Dark Binding]

  All your Underworld units will regenerate hit points faster by 30% with no recovery time.

  您的所有地下生物單位,將再生率加快30 %。

  自然保護(hù)[Natural Protection]

  All your regular units will gain 5%/15% additional hit points.

  您的所有單位,將獲得5 % / 15 %的額外命中率。

  愈合禱告[Healing Grace]

  Your High Priest's Holy Aura will heal for 10%/20%/30% more hit points.

  您的高階神父神圣光環(huán)將增加10 % / 20 % /30 %的治療量。

  自然之源[Nature Focus]

  Your Shamans will have a 25% higher chance to drain life while attacking enemies. Also,each time a Shaman drains life,he will purge one positive effect from his target.

  您的薩滿(mǎn)將有25 %的幾率流失生命從而攻擊敵人。此外,每一次薩滿(mǎn)流失生命,他將清除一個(gè)積極的增益效果,從他的目標(biāo)。

元素之源[Elemental Focus]

  Your High Priest,Sorcerer,and Shaman will do 5%/15% more damage with their direct attacks.

  您的高階神父,男巫和薩滿(mǎn)將提高5 % / 15 %的直接傷害。

  野獸訓(xùn)練[Beast Training]

  Your Brutes will get 10%/20% more hit points and 5/10 additional armor.Also,Brutes will have a 2/5 chance to Ignite after each attack,instead of after a killing blow.

  您的野獸將提高10 % / 20 %的命中率和5 / 10的盔甲值。此外,野獸還有2 / 5幾率點(diǎn)燃打擊。

  邪教[THE CULT]


  Your Trisats'Frenzy will last 5/10 additional seconds after they stop doing damage.

  您的Trisats的狂熱時(shí)間將增加5 / 10秒,之后他們停止瘋狂輸出。


  All your regular units will do 5%/10% more direct damage.

  您的所有單位,會(huì)造成5 % / 10 %的額外傷害。


  Your Master will regenerate power faster by 20%/50%.

  您的主教能量再生速度加快20% / 50%。

  火力焦點(diǎn)[Fire Focus]

  Your Tritechs will have an additional 5%/10%/20% chance to deliver a critcal hit,inflicting double damage.

  您的Tritechs將有額外的5 % / 10 % / 20 %的幾率,打出一次致命攻擊,造成雙重傷害。


  When a Tritech is kelled there is a 25% chance for 2-3 Hatchlings to spawn from its corpse.

  當(dāng)一個(gè)Tritech殺死敵人后有25 %的幾率,從尸體上孵化2-3只幼蟲(chóng)。

  惡魔絞架[Demonic Hanger]

  You Master's Feed action will add additional 1/2/5 healing per tick for each affected target.



  The Harvester will have a 5%/15% chance on every strike to stress his target,forcing it to focus its attacks on the Harvester.

  收割機(jī)將有5 % / 15 %的幾率,對(duì)其施壓以強(qiáng)調(diào)他的目標(biāo),迫使它把重點(diǎn)放在其攻擊對(duì)象上。

  無(wú)阻愈合[Barrier Cure]

  All your units will regenerate his points faster by 50% without recovering.

  您的所有單位再生速度提高50 %。

  盔甲控制[Charged Armor]

  Your Master and your Wardens will have 5%/10%/20% additional hit points.

  您的主教和您的督導(dǎo)員將提高5 % / 10 % / 20 %額外命中率。


  When a Trisat dies in sight of the Master,there is a 25% chance for the Master to recycle it with 25% of its his points.Recycled Trisats will lose all beneficial effects they might have had before they were killed.

  當(dāng)一個(gè)Trisat死在主教的視野內(nèi),有25 %的幾率主教回收。


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