
當(dāng)前位置:首頁攻略秘籍單機攻略 → 合金裝備5幻痛怎么留住靜靜 合金裝備5幻痛蝴蝶標(biāo)志怎么使用

合金裝備5幻痛怎么留住靜靜 合金裝備5幻痛蝴蝶標(biāo)志怎么使用

作者:不詳來源:本站整理 發(fā)表時間:2015/9/7 10:51:03 評論(0)

合金裝備5幻痛怎么留住靜靜 合金裝備5幻痛蝴蝶標(biāo)志怎么使用

吐槽:原文有語法和單詞錯誤,MD,Base on 能把介詞打掉,也是犀利,that you,明顯是than you.所以我看著這個套路進(jìn)行的翻譯。

原文:The all important part is to customize the Front design and select the Butterfly image. The rest of the design such as wording and back image is entirely up to you. After customization, select the Ok button to save the emblem (do not simply back out of the screen).

Once complete, you have safely locked Quiet's part in the storyline and she will be available to help you get some of those S ranks at a later time. Of all the buddies in MGS 5 she is surely the one that'll help with unlocking the Raiden and Naked suits for Big Boss.

How to get the Butterfly Front design

Butterfly codename - mission score screen

The Butterfly design is actually one of the unlock rewards for using Quiet during missions. It's all to do with the Codenames that you get at the end of a mission, shown on the score screen. You may have seen some of these animal names?

To get the Butterfly codename you have to let Quiet do the majority of the shooting (lethal or otherwise). She simply has to neutralize more enemies that you. The hard part is that the codename which appears after a mission is actually based your performance in the last three missions - so you've got to consistently let Quiet do the shooting for a while.

Once the codename appears you will automatically get the Butterfly design unlocked and selectable in the Emblem screen.



一旦完成了,你就妥妥的在故事線中擁有了靜靜了。而且在接下來的任務(wù)中,她是有能力幫助你得到一些S級的評分的。就如同 合金裝備V 幻痛 中那些 同伴 一樣,她能為【大老板】解鎖 Rarden 和 果體 套裝!竞呛呛恰ぁぁぁぁぁ

那么怎么獲得 蝴蝶圖標(biāo)捏!



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